
EyeClick Interactive Displays

EyeClick – Futuristic interactive displays breathes life into advertising

Israel based EyeClick is a world leader in interactive media display solutions. Comprising of Eye Step, EyeTouch and EyeWall. EyeStep, these kinds of displays transform floors, walls, and window areas into stunning interactive platform that attract and capture more attention from the target audience resulting in effective promotions and greater brand recall.
clipped from eyeclick.com
Eyeclick - Interactive floors, surfaces, tables, windows
EyeStep – the unique interactive floor.

By combining interactive surfaces (a combination of our interactive flooring and wall display) with intuitive human body motion, we create full-body interaction – the perfect tool for innovative interactive marketing
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Interactive carpet -Dutch Ministry of tourism using Eyeclick

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EyeTouch – the unique interactive media platform.

EyeTouch transforms any glass surface into an interactive form of creative expression.
It creates on-the-spot interaction with passers-by at events.
In short, it’s the ideal tool for optimizing interactive point-of-sale
clipped from www.youtube.com

EyeTouch from eyeclick.com

clipped from eyeclick.com
EyeBoard is an interactive tabletop surface.

It is an innovative system that turns any ordinary board into an exciting self-activated experience (interactive board).
Activated by motion detection, each flat surface can be turned into an innovative information system – the ideal sales tool!
clipped from www.youtube.com

EyeBoard - Magical Interactive Table

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EyeClick – Futuristic interactive displays breathes life into advertising
Eyeclick - Interactive floors, surfaces, tables, windows
Eyeclick Calvin Klein
YouTube - EyeBoard - Magical Interactive Table
YouTube - Interactive carpet -Dutch Ministry of tourism using Eyeclick